Sunday, June 22, 2014

2 months so many ups, so many downs,so many changes yet everything's the same.

I am very much a slacker when it comes to this blog, and for that I apologize. As I sit outside this beautiful Sunday summer evening I decide it's time to write.

A lot has gone on since we last chatted. I have been on metformin for my pcos which is suppose to help with balancing sugars out and everything else hormonal that is wrong with me. This pill the first week was not so bad, and I thought that my best friend must have been crazy for telling me that if I was not careful with what I ate I would be paying for it later....boy was she right!! Week one was easy peasy, week two, forget it! I had doubled up my dosage from 500mg to 1000mg which does not sound like a lot, but let me tell you, these little pills mean business.

After being soo sick I cut back  down to one pill of 500mg, and stayed that way for a month. Yes Mindy you won that one, you were right! My body was not used to this strong medicine. I am now on 1000mg and will be working up to 1500mg in about a month.

So thanks to the progesterone I was given, my period came on Easter Sunday, April 20th, which I took as a sign that things were moving in the right direction, which they seemed to be, then came May 10th, the anniversary of my best friends death, and ultimately the day I ovulated. I also took this as a sign that my friend Anthony was sending me signs from above that it was go time to conceive and that everything would be fine.

After we did the deed, I waited the two weeks to test, well two weeks came and with minimal pink reddish spotting we tested and it was negative, and has remained that way ever since. This pcos has taken me on a wild ride. No period since April and not pregnant. Hoping the July visit to the reproductive endocrinologist will give us more options, jump start my period, so we can go for our first and hopefully very successful first IUI and end up pregnant with out rainbow baby!